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Yeshua and the Company of Heaven: You Are Entering a Period of Deep, Deep Transformation – Channeled by Fran Zepeda on March 2, 2014 March 5, 2014

Posted by ezoterika1 in esoteric, health, society, spirituality.


golden Yeshua and the Company of Heaven (Received March 2, 2014):

Greetings, fellow travelers of the Light. You are so magnificent. I just want to tell you that first off. It has been a while since I have greeted you through this channel, but nevertheless, I come in with full force and Light and Love to deliver this important message to you all.

You are entering a period of deep, deep transformation. For this I urge you to prepare yourselves in a very diligent and loving manner, dear ones. You do not want to miss the fragrant and deep and whole enhancement of your Beings as you learn to absorb and integrate more and more Light into your cells and overall Beings.

By now you are most likely becoming acquainted with yourselves as Whole Divine Beings of the Light, of magnificent creatures with so many abilities, albeit still dormant in some…

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